Homeschool Record Example

Driver’s Education Resources

Process for Driver’s Education 1. Get a driving eligibility certificate (DEC)( 2. Sign up for a class at NC Driving School Registration. They have them at quite a few public schools throughout the year. Make sure you get on there and sign up as soon as registration opens because they fill up fast.( More information: […]
Homeschool Resources

The following are some suggestions for Homeschool Resources Diplomas 1. Academic Excellence Support Groups 1. Home School Legal Defense Association 2. North Carolinians for Home Education NCHE Facebook 3. Forsyth Home Educators FHE Facebook 4. N.C. Homeschooling Facebook 5. Davie County Homeschoolers for Freedom of Choice Facebook Apprenticeships 1. Praxis Miscellaneous 1. Anything […]
Annual Testing Resources

The following are some suggestions for testing Exams: Test Comparison Chart 1. Stanford 10 Online 2. Woodcock Johnson 3. CAT Testing Centers 1. Seton Testing 2. Bowman Testing 3. Brewer Testing
Curriculum Resources

Cathy Duffy Reviews -Curriculum Reviews Types of Homeschooling & Learning Styles The following are some suggestions for homeschool curriculum Abeka Apologia Compass Classroom Dave Ramsey Curriculum Easy Peasy Curriculum Good and the Beautiful Gullion’s Homeschool Headquarters Ignite Christian Academy Institute for Excellence in Writing Lifepac Math-U-See McKay’s Books Monarch My Father’s World Ron Paul […]
Benefits Resources

Benefits Resources The following vendors are just suggestions if you are in need of benefits including health insurance, accounting, and retirement/financial planning. Health Insurance 1. The Health Enroller As a local family and veteran-owned health and life insurance agency, we make sure your call is answered instead of going to an automated call center. We […]
Getting started with Homeschooling

1st step:Go to, There you’ll submit your Notice of Intent and register as a homeschool 2nd:Once you receive your registration number, email the principal at your child’s school to tell them they are unenrolling and include that registration number. You should receive a confirmation from them. Keep all communication. Some parents request a ‘data file’ of […]